Simon Milsom - Portfolio


Welcome to my portfolio!

I am a Web Developer looking to strengthen my skills work for a really cool company and make a difference!

Take a look at my work

Refactoring Challenge

For this project I had to refactor the code to align with accessibility settings.

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Basic Portfolio

In this project I have made a basic portfolio using HTML and CSS, I particularly enjoyed this challenge as it was my first eye opening experience to see what can be created using HTML and CSS, and using CSS Grid - pure magic!

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My own domain

This is a link to my own domain where I will constantly update my work with all the new skills I am learning, I hope to use this as a show off of my skills and learning journey! I built this page using HTML and CSS and utilised the Bootstrap Framework.

My Homepage


Although I am very new to Front end web development I am enjoying the challenge so much, I have made a few projects, one of which is a refactoring challenge, in this project I used code that was already in place for a website and modified the sections and layout to be more pleasing to the eye, it is also in line with current accessibility rules and screenreaders for the hard of sight.

My second project was to make a basic Website where I utilised HTML, CSS and CSS grid to make a Portfolio for myself to showcase my work. I particularly enjoyed this as it was my first encounter with CSS Grid and I loved it!

You are currently reading my third Project, It is a Portfolio website utilising HTML, CSS and using the Framework Bootstrap to arrange my page and use attributes to style my page. I am very excited to see what else I can do in my Front end web development journey!

Further to the above I will be learning JavaScript and how to use the React Framework, I am excited to see what can be built with these technologies.

About - Contact Me

I currently live in Kent and enjoy Woodwork, sports and long walks. I've liked computer related things since around the year 2000 and am finally embarking on my journey now to become a Front End Web Developer. This is a career change for me and I am fully committed to learn as much as I can and put it into action by obtaining a Web developer role.

Please contact me via one of the social icons below:

Simon Milsom
Simon Milsom